Summer Storage Tips for Skis and Snowboards

As the winter comes to a close and the snow melts, the purpose of skis and snowboards lays dormant for the summer and storing them properly becomes tantamount.

As you change out your snow gear for sunscreen and pool floaties, it might be tempting to just throw your skis in the garage and deal with the consequences come colder weather. Avoid doing this! Taking the extra time now will save you a lot of time, money and headaches when the powder is fresh and you’re delayed because of rusty skis!

Here’s our comprehensive guide to preserving your skis during the offseason, and keeping them in tip top shape so you’re ready to glide once the first snow falls.

8 Steps for Optimal Ski/Snowboard Storage:

  1. Clean Your Skis

The first step is to wipe down your skis with a damp towel to get rid of any obvious debris. Let them dry properly overnight, and then move on with the rest of the maintenance routine.

2. Reduce Binding Tension

This is not totally required, but can help save the retention of the springs on your skis over time. The springs that fasten the bindings can wear down with excessive use, and reducing the tension when they’re not being used is a great way to preserve them.

You can do this by lowering your DIN, accessible via the screws in the tow and heel pieces. Use a screwdriver to turn the screws counter-clockwise until you reach a low number on the DIN scale.

Before you do this, be sure to note what your DIN was already after being set up by a professional so that you can return it to this number once you’re ready to ski again.

3. Inspect Your Edges

Your edges are crucial – take a look and make sure there aren’t any nicks, scratches or other damage that should be addressed before storage so you can start the next season on the right foot!

4. Prepare Your Bases

Use base cleaner and a plastic brush to run all the way down your ski at the base, removing any leftover wax and residue from the season, 2-3 times is good enough to get most of it. After this, use a nylon brush to get rid of leftover debris.

5. Wax it Up!

Rub some wax on the base of the skis to prevent burning as you iron the rest of the wax on. Drip hot wax all down the ski, and use an iron to melt it onto the base evenly. 2-4 passes up and down should set your skis up for the offseason and keep air, moisture and dirt from damaging the blades. Lastly, protect your edges by rubbing wax on them again.

6. Store Properly

After all of this extra effort, the container you store them in matters! Your ski bag is a safe bet – as the manufacturers made it for protection and longevity. Somewhere cool, dry and out of direct sunlight is of paramount importance.

Garages, basements and attics tend to be a little too exposed to the elements, so try a closet or under a bed.

Position them naturally in storage – avoid putting pressure on any one area in particular.

7. Don’t Forget Your Booties!

Boots need some love too! Don’t forget them – they’re just as important!

Pull out the liners and make sure they’re dry and clean before inserting them back in. Buckle your boots loosely so they maintain their shape in the offseason. Check your toe and heel pads to see if anything needs replacement or repair, and store them with your skis – in the same cool, dry place.

8. Wait For Snow

Once snow falls again and you’re ready to hit the slopes – scrape off all of the storage wax, tighten up your DINs again and you’re ready to go! If you really want your skis to glide, apply a fresh layer of wax.

That’s it! Skis are an investment, so take care of them in the offseason! It takes just a few steps to preserve something for years to come.